About Lauren Beltz
Lauren Beltz writes about witty and strong women who aren’t looking for a hero to save them. Her stories tackle contemporary challenges women face including work/life balance, relational boundaries, and financial struggles. Expect copious amounts of banter and pop culture reference to balance the themes.
She’s a sucker for a good love story, but you’re more likely to find sports than over-the-top swooning in her novels. Her characters embody her STEM background and unwavering optimism that we make the future we want.
Lauren has a background in mechanical engineering, which taught her how to think logically and problem solve, skills useful during the brainstorming and revision phases of story engineering. She has been weaving stories since she was a young girl hiding in the back corner of her closet, riding her imaginary elevator miles underground to uncharted adventures. While she is now too tall to stow away in closets, she still embraces her “what if” daydreaming and always seeks out the everyday adventures of life.
After penning three novellas and finding her voice in five first drafts, Lauren decided to focus on studying and learning the craft of creative writing to reach her ultimate goal of becoming traditionally published. From 2018-2021, she created a unique DIY MFA program which resulted in her first manuscript she took through revisions and into the querying trenches, The Pit Stop. Learn more about her DIY MFA.
When taking a break from writing, she can be found out on the trails, exploring her new home state of Colorado or tackling her bucket list of National Parks across the country. (19 down, 44 to go.)
You can find her non-fiction personal finance writing at The Budget Brigade.