So you took my advice in Finding Critique Partners. Now what? Scheduling Two important things to discuss when working with new critique partners is how often you want to plan on swapping material and how much you plan to swap each time. Life happens and schedules change. Emergencies crop up….
Category: Writing Advice
Finding Critique Partners
Critique partners? Do I really need those? I have beta readers. Beta readers are not the same as critique partners. A beta reader will simply tell you if they like the story and think it’s good. And a lot of the time, beta readers can be friends or family members….
The First Draft
Can I confess? When I saw this was the next post to write, I laughed to myself and thought ahhhh, now I remember why I haven’t written a blog post in so long. I have a love-hate relationship when it comes to balancing outlining with the first draft. Finishing the…
When to Quit
A few months ago, my critique partner brought up a question that gave me pause: Have you ever decided to shelve a WIP? She was struggling with a project she’d been trying to write for about a year. Her muses came in waves, sometimes incoherent, counterproductive ones. She felt like…
The Soundtrack
Unlike Missy Elliott, music doesn’t make me lose control. In fact, it helps me center in and focus, which is why I build a soundtrack (sometimes several) for each work in progress. For Baggage, I added the songs to my extended outline and organized my Amazon Music playlist chronologically by…
The Outline
As mentioned in my scene cards post, I am a PLOTTER, all caps. I have to know where I think my story is going before I start drafting so I don’t end up treading water among sharks. I never outline at the start of a new project. I like to…
Scene Cards
I am not a plotter or a Plotter, but a PLOTTER. Before I put hands to keyboard to draft, I have to know what my story’s ending. The beginning, inciting incident, and major plot points have to be planned. My brain needs a road map to follow or I go…
Start at the End
Starting the writing process with developing marketing materials can help keep a clear path in mind.
Character Web
Instead of a cast of characters, create a web with your main character at the center.
Run (the) GMC
Goals, motivations, and conflicts are the building blocks of character and story and one of the first planning points for my stories.